Using Wynn’s Fuel treatments on a regular basis will help keep the fuel system clean and the engine operating efficiently, reducing your fuel consumption and cutting harmful emissions drastically.
Using Wynn’s Fuel treatments on a regular basis will help keep the fuel system clean and the engine operating efficiently, reducing your fuel consumption and cutting harmful emissions drastically.
Consumer Petrol

Wynn's Air Intake & Carburettor Cleaner is a cleaning product in aerosol to eliminate dirt and...

Wynn's Catalytic Converter & Lambda Cleaner for petrol and petrol hybrid engines optimizes the...

Wynn’s DRY FUEL is a product suitable for diesel and petrol engines developed to absorb water in...

Wynn's High Performance Petrol System Treatment is a chemical treatment composed of combustion...

Wynn's Injector Cleaner for Petrol Engines is a multi- functional fuel treatment to maintain the...

Wynn’s Lead Substitute is a treatment with dual action for petrol engines:

Reduce exhaust emissions and help your vehicle pass the strict new MOT Emission Test.

A total clean-up from the fuel tank to the exhaust pipe

Wynn's Xtreme Petrol Emission Reducer reduces harmful exhaust emissions.